Kitchen Corner

November 10, 2009

Cherry Crumble Cheesecake

After the first attempt on durian cheesecake, I feel quite encourage to try another cheesecake from the same recipe book 我和起士蛋糕的秘密. At first, I was thinking to make an apple crumble cheesecake but at the same time I want to use the canned apple cherry given by PH. I was very curious about the taste of that apple cherry so ended up I make cherry cheesecake.
The cheesecake was not too bad but I still like the texture of durian cheesecake as it's very smooth and silky texture that melt in the mouth was great! This texture is slightly thicker that might take a few more second to melt in your mouth.
I tried to place a piece at room temperature for 15 minutes and the texture was not that thicker then. The crumble is very tasty and goes well with the cheesecake but the apple cherry wasn't that very special. It taste ok but nothing so special for me.
I've done a few study from the recipe book and found that some cheesecake had a very silky smooth texture. I remember before baking the durian cheesecake, the batter was quite liquid or should I say runny whereas this batter of cherry cheesecake was quite thick.
I guess it's due to the ingredients used. Although they both used the same amount of inggredients like cream cheese, sugar and eggs. The different is batter that added with same milk or cream is smoother than the batter made with cream cheese and eggs only. The durian cheesecake was added milk whereas this is not, may be that's make the difference. Please correct me if I'm wrong but so far this is the experiment I've gone through. Anyway, people who are not very choosy like me will still love this cheesecake. It's just an ordinary one for me :P Recipe from 我和起士蛋糕的秘密 for (7 inches cake tin)
For the base:
200g digestive biscuit
100g butter
For the filling: 400g cream cheese
80g caster sugar 3 eggs
140g cherries
For the Crumble:
60g plan flour
60g caster sugar
50g ground almond
30g butter
1 tbsp cooking oil
  1. To make the base, stir all ingredients until combine. Press mixture into base of 7 inches cake tin.
  2. To make the filling, beat cream cheese and sugar until smooth. Beat in eggs, one at a time. Beat until well blended.
  3. Place cherries into the tin. Pour in cheese filling.
  4. To make crumble, combine flour, sugar and ground almond, rub in butter and oil until mixture resembles bread crumbs. Sprinkle over the top.
  5. Steam-bake in preheated oven at 160C for 1 hour 20 minutes or until cooked. Remove from heat and leave to cool. Chill in fridge for 5 hours or overnight.


Pei-Lin said...

Looks SOO good! Thanks for your insight into cheesecake making and sharing the recipe!


Honey Bee Sweets said...

First time I see apple cherries Grace, interesting! The cake looks fantastic by the way...are you selling them? All boxed up so nicely in individual slices one? I'll be first in line to get one of those yummy cakes...for free, hahaha! Thanks for sharing. ;)

Kitchen Corner said...

Thanks Pei Lin! You could try out different cheesecakes recipe and understand how the texture actually works and do remember to share your experience with me yea :)

Hi Honey Bee Sweets,
Yea, this is my frist time know about apple cherries too! I'm not selling them but to give away :) I happened to buy the boxes from PH and find them quite presentable. Can you check for me whether Bake with Yen do sell this boxes please? Cheers!

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Sure Grace, in fact I'll be there tomorrow morning. Will let you know. :)

Passionate About Baking said...

Hi Grace,
Nevertheless, your decoration is really beautiful. Always so classic and attractive...just like you! ;) Heehee...
This is rather special-cherry apple. I've not seen it in canned though. Will watch out for it when I go PH. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

Kitchen Corner said...

Thanks Jane! Your words come really encouraging! I still have a lot to learn from you :)

Imelda Turcotte said...

i'm dyslexic when it comes to math & conversion. wish there was a post of this in metric measurements. it's a very awesome looking cheesecake i want to try to bake.

Lynn said...

May i ask why the cherry u used is in yellow-green color?is it after baked ,the red cherry will change to this color?