Mum bought me another recipe book named "I Love Butter Cake". Oppsss! that's not me, I don't really fancy about butter cake, but I've got to make it to show my appreciation to mum and of course it could be served to someone who is a big fan of butter cake. After read through the whole recipe book, I choose this Berries Butter Cake just because I love berries.

It's actually a recipe of "Apple Blueberry Butter Cake" but I feel like adding some leftover berries from my freezer. I used blueberry, raspberry and blackberry for this butter cake. For those who don't like the bit of seeds from the raspberries, better use apple and blueberry. I believe it will taste good too! For me, the soury and the bit of sweetness and juicy of the berries make the butter cake light and refreshing. Finally, I find myself quite like butter cake. Thanks Mum!

250g butter
200g caster sugar
5 eggs
200g plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
3 green apple (peel, cored, diced)
100g blueberry
** 1 orange zest or lemon zest
Greese and line 20cm (8inch) baking tin. Preheat oven to 180C. Beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add in eggs, one at a time, beating thoroughly after each addition. Fold in shifted flour and baking powder, mix well. Spread batter into prepared tin. Sprinkle apples over the batter and spoon blueberry filling over the apples. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes or until cooked.
Hi Grace,
I'm so happy to see you baking again! This Berries butter cake looks really colourful and so full of life! I'm sure it's really good. I only began to love the simply of butter cake when I started baking! Hahaha...:)
I immediately bookmark this!! I love to use fresh fruits in baking too. You are luckily to have a good mum..
Looks so colorful!! And so moist!! Happy baking in 2010!
Hi Jane,
Thanks! It looks very colourful indeed! But, the amount of butter used really scare me! Guess what I did? I ate the top with berries then the bottom part past to him kekeke...
Hi Sonia,
Yes, fresh fruits is so good for baking. Refreshing and make the texture lighter. Cheers!
Hi Dodol & Mochi,
Thanks! Happy New Year to you too! and Happy Baking!
Hahaha...Grace! I knew you will do that! Actually you're so skinny, you can afford some fats, can't you? Poor Eric...heehee
wow i think this is so delicious and healthy! alot of antioxidants :) nice colourful cake you got there.
look so colorful and delicious....
love the colors!
Hi sister Grace, I found your website while searching for some baking recipe, after viewing your blog for quite some time n I start my baking with your “berries butter cake recipe.”
When I first saw your added story, your Mom bought you a butter cake recipe book….so touching n also very easy to do this cake. I love to used up whole butter in once…so last night with my 2 little chefs helping...I got a very delicious n pretty looking butter cake.
Thanks for your sharing n recipe….until now only I know that you’re “雅箐姐的女儿” , your mom just recommend me your blog…what a small world. 我是芙浸的一份子。May Lord bless you n family always!
Hi Jenn,
Hope you like the recipes. Oh ya the world is just small, I've been long time didn't go back to my home church. I think there are many new members in church now.
Oh, you had me at berries. I've never had it in a cake, this sounds and looks amazing!
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