Kitchen Corner

November 16, 2010

Ice Cream

If you've read my previous post about waffles, you would probably realized there are few ice cream recipes that I've not introduced to you which was my new discovering in ice cream making last month. So, here are three different ice cream I've made recently.

Chocolate Snickers Ice Cream
(This creamy dark chocolate ice cream, added with chocolate snickers give delicious texture and stay soft even after freezing)

Dulce De Leche Ice Cream
(Unique caramelized milk added with roasted almond is a decadent extravagance)

Cream Cheese Ice Cream
(Creamy and rich of cream cheese flavor is a heaven for cheesecake lovers)

There all turn out very nice for me. I was trying to figure out which one is the best to share with everyone but hardly rate which is the best. As for me, there all had very unique flavor and good taste! Check out the recipes if you like to give it a try. Cheers!

Chocolate Snickers Ice Cream
4 egg yolks
75g caster sugar
1 tsp cornflour
300ml milk
150g dark chocolate
300ml whipping cream
2 Snickers bars

Put the egg yolks, sugar and cornflour in a bowl and whisk until thick and foamy. Pour the milk into a heavy pan, bring just to the boil, then gradually pour the milk into a heavy pan, bring just to the boil, then gradually pour the milk on to the yolk mixture, whisking constantly.

Return the mixture to the pan and cook over a gentle heat, stirring constantly until the custard thickens and is smooth. Pour back into the bowl and stir in the chocolate until melted. Cover the custard closely, leave to cool, then chill for 6 hours or overnight.

Whip the cream until it has thicken, but is still soft enough to fall from a spoon. Fold it into the chilled custard and pour into  an ice cream maker to churn for 20-25 minutes until thick.

Fold in chopped chocolate snickers transfer to a freezer container. Freeze for 5 - 6 hours until firm.

Cream Cheese Ice Cream
175ml milk
120g caster sugar
125g philadelphia cream cheese
half teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 egg
juice of half a lemon
350ml double cream

Heat the milk in a pan, and while it's getting warm, beat together the sugar, philadelphia, vanilla, and egg in a bowl. Still whisking, pour the bot milk into the cream cheese mixture and pour this back into the cleaned-out pan and make a custard in the regular way.

Pour into a bowl and let it cool, at which time add the lemon juice and then the double cream, lightly whipped.

Cover the custard closely, leave to cool, then chill for 6 hours or overnight.  pour into  an ice cream maker to churn for 20-25 minutes until thick. transfer to a freezer container. Freeze for 5 - 6 hours until firm.

Dulce De Leche Ice Cream
2 1/4 cups whole milk
1 1/4 cups dulce de leche
1/2 cup heavy cream
a splash of vanilla extract
a pinch of salt

In a heavy saucepan, heat the milk and dulce de leche just to a boil, stirring until the duce de leche is dissolved.Remove from the heat and add the heavy cream, vanilla extract, and salt.

Cool completely at room temperature. Store in an airtight container and refrigerate until thoroughly chilled, preferably overnight.

Churn the mixture in a ice cream maker for 20 - 25 minutes until thicken. Store in an airtight freezer container and freeze until harden.


Elin Chia said...

Grace...what a lovely ice cream you have made there...I can imagine how good they will taste :) drooling and salivating over your pictures :)

Swee San said...

ice cream with waffles!! :) :)

Jo said...

The ice-cream sure does look delicious and super creamy as well. And wow - triple serving! Now that's what I call an ice-cream cone. :P

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

ya, just realized you have made a lot of ice creams. Wish i can try out some of your homemade ice cream, look so good.

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Oh my gosh, all the 3 flavors looked really tempting! So you have been busy making lots of ice cream I see, lol! :D Well spent time I must say! ;q Enjoy your holiday!

Shirley @ Kokken69 said...

Must wait until I get my ice-cream maker!

ICook4Fun said...

I am looking at your ice-cream now and I am eyeing at the DDL one. That is my hubby fav but we normally just buy the Haagen Dazs one.

ice cream freaks said...

Nice flavor choices. The dulce de leche looks particularly good to me. Love your pictures as well.

Jean said...

the cream cheese ice cream looks especially tempting! gonna try the recipe soon! :D

ReeseKitchen said...

Oh my...they looked so delicious! The very first thing is that I MUST get an ice-cream maker...;p

Food For Tots said...

Wow! I'm drooling looking at your ice-cream parade. Can't imagine how tasteful they are to be served with waffle! I think I know what I want for my Christmas now - ice-cream maker! ;)

Anonymous said...

Grace, your ice cream show case is just too perfect. Just nice for the coming summer where there is no appetitte for any other food ! :) Thanks for sharing, Grace.

Anonymous said...

i cant decide which i like most as well! they all look super delicious!

tigerfish said...

I don't know which flavor to choose cos I want them ALL!

Angie's Recipes said...

3 different flavours of ice cream at one go..SUPER!

yammy said...

hi, which whipped cream and whole milk did u use?

Kitchen Corner said...

Hi Yammy,
I used Anchor whipping cream and HL milk.

yammy said...

Hi Grace, thanks!
for full cream milk, is it ok if i use Meiji fresh Milk?

Kitchen Corner said...

Hi Yammy,
Meiji fresh milk should be alright. Cheers!

meiling said...

Where to but anchor whipping cream?Thanks!

meiling said...

i mean buy

KWF said...

Thank you for sharing! My family loves ice-cream and I'm still trying to perfect mine. :)

Kitchen Corner said...

Hi meiling,
I bought the Anchor whipping cream from Bake with Yen in Malaysia. You could use any cream to make the ice cream anyway! Cheers!

meiling said...

hi thanks! toppi whipped cream is it consider as double cream?

Kitchen Corner said...

Hi meiling,
I think it's not the same. Get whipping cream or double cream will do.