Kitchen Corner

August 3, 2009

Cho.Milk Cotton Cheesecake

I always admired a few blogger they could bake very nice cotton cheesecake. I really hope I could make it although I've failed before. Thanks for Happy Flour giving me some tips and technique.

Finally the cotton cheesecake turn out quite nice. I can't say it's perfect as I'm not sure isn't the right texture and the outlook is what it's should be. Overall, I'm quite satisfy with this result and will practice again.

The texture is very light and soft like cotton that I don't feel I'm adding some calorie on my diet. No wonder this cheesecake named as "cotton"! I hope to try out some others flavour. If you've any good cotton cheesecake recipe with coffee, pandan, green tea or other flavours, please share with me. I'm falling in love with this cotton cheesecake :P

I make this cheesecake for a birthday party. I'm not creative and no skills on cake decoration, so I just simply sprinkle some shredded chocolate on the top.

The outlook doesn't looks good but my friend all love the texture. I like the chocolate sponge for the base as its softness goes very well with the cotton cheesecake.

Chocolate Sponge:
3 whole eggs 90g caster sugar
75g plain flour
15g cocoa powder 30g unsalted butter (melted)
Cheese Mixture: 380g chocolate milk
250g cream cheese
50g plain flour (sift)
18g caster sugar
5 egg yolk
5egg white
75g caster sugar
\How I made it:
  1. Make the chocolate sponge. Preheat the oven to 180C. Grease and line the baking parchment at the side and bottom of a 9 inches round cake tin. Shift the plain flour with cocoa powder three times.
  2. In another clean bowl, whisk the eggs and gradually add in the caster sugar. Whisk until it double the size. The texture should be fluffy and pale in color.
  3. Gradually shift the shifted flour into the egg mixture and use the spatula gently fold it in.
  4. Add in the melted butter and fold it in gently.
  5. Pour into the baking tin and bake in the oven for 20 minutes.
  6. For the cheese mixture. Line the side and base of a 9" round springform baking tin with grease proof paper and place the sponge cake at the bottom. Wrap the base and surrounding of the tin with 2 layers of foil.
  7. Double-boil milk, cream cheese and sugar until cream cheese has melted completely.
  8. Add in flour, stir and cook until mixture has thicken.
  9. Remove from stove and set aside to cool.
  10. Preheat oven to 170C. (I preheated at 150C only as my oven had a weird heating system)
  11. Whisk in egg yolk into the cream cheese mixture until well combined.
  12. Use a cake mixer and whisk the egg whites till frothy. Gradually add in the sugar and whisk till soft peaks form. Fold in 1/4 of the meringue into the cream cheese mixture until combined.
  13. Then fold in the rest of the meringue lightly in 3 portions until well combined. Pour batter into the prepared springform pan.
  14. Steam-bake cheesecake in a preheated oven for 15mins then reduce temperature to 140C and continue to steam-bake for 1hr and 45mins.15 (I reduce the temperature to 120C as I mentioned my oven had a weird heating system.)
  15. Leave the cheesecake to cool in the oven for 1hr with the door ajar. Remove cake from tin and chill in the fridge for over night. (You can also chill the whole cheesecake in the cake tin.) Cut and serve the cheesecake.


Happy Flour said...

Hi Kitchen Corner,

Great work! I feel very happy for you. :) Happy Baking.

Beachlover's Kitchen said...

look soft and nicely done!! it's another name for Japanese Cotton Cheese cake?

Mary said...

This cheesecake is so delicious , I quite like the idea of your choice of using a sponge cake as a base !

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Your cake looks really yummy once you slice inside. This shows that what's inside is more important that the exterior sometimes simple is good too Grace. ;)

Li Shan said...

The cake look tempting. Yes I was also looking for a cottony cheesecake since long ago. Thanks for your sharing of the recipe. I'll try it myself as well.

TINTIN said...

Wow, the cake brown nicely on top. This is another recipe I would like to try out.

Rachel Hei said...

your cake looks so yummy..^_^

KWF said...

KC, I would say your cotton cheesecake looks very perfect indeed!

Anju said...

Hi Grace,

I have never had a cotton cheesecake. But i would love to try, am going to try and make it. Lovely post once again.

Kitchen Corner said...

Hi Happy Flour,
You're the first person I want to share the joy of baking this cake. Thank you very much for the tips and technique you've given. I love this cheesecake very much! Cheers!

Beachlover's Kitchen said...
I'm not sure it named as Japanese Cotton Cheesecake or cotton cheesecake. Anyway, it's like cotton hehehe :P

Hi Mary,
This is my first cheesecake using a sponge cake for the base. It's quite nice! Cheers!

Hi Honey Bee Sweets,
Thanks for your lovely words, I think I must learn how to to decorate a cake. Feel sorry to the birthday boy that the deco wasn't that nice.

Hi Li Shan,
Hi Rachel,
Hi Anju,
Thanks for your lovely words and hope you will try out this recipe. Enjoy!

Cuisine Paradise said...

Hi Grace,

Wow...your chocolate cheesecake look great leh! This is my 1st time seeing this type of two layer cheesecake... :) Thanks for sharing.

ann low said...

Good Job! I'm also a cheesecakes' lover.

Small Small Baker said...

I will be very happy to receive this as a birthday cake. Looks great from outside and more surprise to see a chocolate sponge cake hidden inside. Must try this one day. :)

Passionate About Baking said...

Hi Grace,
So yummy! You always say you not creative, in fact, your creativity shows in the simplicity of your designs! It's so beautiful leh-inside & outside! Yummy yummy!

petite nyonya said...

I've never tried making cotton cheesecake before. Yours has just inspired me to try it soon :D

Queen B. said...

WOW....AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Grace, your cotton cheesecake looks delicious, well done! I never have the guts to try making a baked cheesecake ;)

Kitchen Corner said...

Hi Ellena,
Hi Anncoo,
Hi nyonya pendek melaka,
Hi Queen B,

Thanks for your lovely words! Hope you'll like this recipe too!

Hi Small Small Baker,
Thanks! Actually the chocolate sponge should be at seen from the outside but don't know why after bake the chocolate sponge,it turns slightly smaller than the cake tin :P

Hi Jane,
Your words always very supportive! Thanks a lot!

Hi Happy Homebaker,
Thanks! I'm sure you could make it even better! Please try, you'll like it.

Food For Tots said... it is my turn to admire your beautiful cheesecake! It is soooooo PERFECTLY baked! Drooling!

Aimei said...

chocolate milk cheesecake is interesting! how does it taste like? Would love it try it! :)

DG said...

This cake is gorgeous!

Mini Baker said...

Oh my! THIS LOOKS DELICOUS! Props to a fellow baker! :) Great blog!

Kitchen Corner said...

Hi Food For Tots,
Hi Mini Baker,
Hi DG,
Thanks for your comments!

Hi Aimei,
It taste like cotton :)

YuanZhi said...

May i know what kind of flour did you use? all purpose or cake flour?